SIILWYA is available for streaming!!!!
15 Mars, En Rodage, Le Foutoir *COMPLET*
Salle Le Foutoir
20 Mars, En Rodage, Bistro le 633
1844 Bistro Pub & Eatery
March 25, En Rodage, Le Bordel
Le Bordel
28 Mars, En Rodage, Salle Fenplast
Salle Fenplast
10 Avril, En Rodage, M Restau Bar
1844 Bistro Pub & Eatery
11 Avril, En Rodage, Délires et Délices
1844 Bistro Pub & Eatery
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Luke Jackson had the wonderful idea to record a Cabaret version of Shit I’m in Love With You Again in front a live audience back in 2016. The audio recording is all of the songs with some of the stand-up peppered in & has been playing onSiriusXM Canada for several years now. Thanks to Dan Bryk & The Orchard it is now available on all major platforms.
Click below to hear the CD!!!
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